Thursday, July 16, 2015

Knuffle Bunny or Kuh-Nuffle Bunny?

We checked out the award-winning Knuffle Bunny series by Mo Willems. Consisting of three books, we followed Trixie from the stage of toddler-hood to early childhood. The entire elements of the series are like none other.
Knuffle Bunny: A Cautionary Tale
First Book in the Series
Upon opening the first book, I fell in love with the story, as did my children. Parents can appreciate the humor when, as a toddler, Trixie went “boneless," falling to the ground, in a desperate plea to get her daddy back to the laundromat to get her beloved, Knuffle Bunny. I can honestly say that I laughed out loud. Oh, have I had my fair share of “boneless" bodies from both of my children in public. (And why do they suddenly become 20 pounds heavier when they do so?)

Knuffle Bunny Too: A Case of Mistaken Identity
Second Book in the Series
Skipping ahead to the last book, Trixie cannot find her dear friend shortly after arriving in Holland on a trip to visit Oma and Opa. Does she find her Knuffle Bunny? Does she go “boneless" again? (You can proceed with reading my post for I will not give it away.) However, I will express my sadness as I read the final part of the book. I thought to myself, “Surely, this cannot be it! No!" Perhaps it was noting the age similarity between my daughter and Trixie, or maybe it was the combination of that and the dedicated note to Trixie at the end.

I am always on the lookout for unique illustrations and this one hit the jackpot. With classic black and white photography near the author's home in Brooklyn, Willems adds his highly expressive cartoonish-style to each scene - quite brilliant, I think!

Knuffle Bunny Free: An Unexpected Diversion
The Last Book -- Sniff, sniff!
If you are looking for a new book to read to your child, I highly recommend reading the Knuffle Bunny series. There was certainly an energy between the expressive characters, illustrations, and stories surrounding Trixie and Knuffle. I am certain you will grow with Trixie, her mommy and daddy, and the star of the show, Knuffle, as well!

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